How Do You Express Gratitude to Your Animals

Gratitude helps us learn to live together in peace and harmony. Do you ever take the time to tell your animals how much you appreciate them? There are many ways to let them know how you feel. They do understand everything you say because they are all telepathic. Remember... even something an animal does that might seem annoying has one or more gifts within it that we can appreciate. ALL ANIMALS: I'm so grateful that you're here in my life. I love to look at you and watch the way you move. I love your eyes and the way you look at me. When I look in your eyes, my heart opens. You are so beautiful to me. Your body is so perfect for you; it is the Divine expression of your Soul. You are so special to me. You teach me so many wonderful things. Thank you for your wisdom, your kindness, your energy, and your very presence When you don't feel well or are grumpy, I appreciate the honesty of how you communicate that to me. Thank you for helping me to learn to communicate with you telepathically. Even when I don't fully get or understand your message, you generously keep on trying to teach me. You have such a generous and noble heart that I'm learning to be more open-hearted just by being with you. You make me laugh, and that is so wonderful and healing. I love you whether you are happy, sad, mad, or scared, and I'll do all I can to protect you, care for you, and keep you safe. You are precious to me, and I'm so grateful that you are here with me. Thank you. CATS: I love your gorgeous toes, powerful claws, your soft fur, your elegant tail. It makes me smile and feel good inside.when I watch you play. I love when you give me whisker-kisses, when you knead your paws on my body, and the sound of your healing purr. Thank you for using the litter box on a regular basis and for letting me know when something is wrong. Thank you for catching mice and for letting them know that they need to move out of the house. I am grateful to you for showing me your excellent hunting skills and for keeping the mouse out of my bed while you play with it. Thank you for jumping into closets and drawers to show me things that need to be sorted and reorganized. I appreciate your independent nature that mixes so beautifully with you expressions of love. I'm so glad you're here with me. Thank you. DOGS: I love your beautiful body, your soft fur, and the way you look at me with adoration. I'm so happy when you jump in my lap or cuddle up with me in bed or on the floor. I so appreciate it when you come when I call you. Thank you so much for letting me know when you need to go out to relieve yourself. Thank you for barking to let me know that someone has arrived or that you need me to pay attention to something. The sound of your bark is music to my ears. You have been an excellent partner for showing and other competitions. Even when we don't win 1st place, I appreciate the effort you make to please me. I'm so glad you're here with me. Thank you. BIRDS: I love your beautiful feathers, your beak, and legs, your talons, and especially your wings. You are so beautiful to me that I want to hug you whenever I see you. Since I cannot hug you as strongly as I want to, I send you energy hugs of love and joy. Thank you for your affectionate kisses. It makes me feel so good every time I hear you sing with your lovely voice. Thank you especially for giving up a life of free-flight to be here with me, living in a cage indoors. What generosity! You are teaching me just by being here, and I am so grateful. I'm so glad you're here with me. Thank you. FISH: I love to watch you swim in your fish tank. It gives me a sense of peace that is very precious to me and that helps me cope with challenges in my life. You are so beautiful. The way you move through the water is an elegant dance that fascinates me and takes me away from the busy life I lead. Your colors are perfect for you and bring me great pleasure. I'm so glad you're here with me. I am grateful to you for being willing to live in a fish tank that's much smaller than the wild world from which you came. Your generosity amazes me. Thank you. HORSES: You are amazing! Thank you for your enormous generosity and willingness to carry me on your back, even when you may be tired or in pain. Thank you for allowing me to sit in your heart chakra where you can feel all that is going on inside my body and my emotions, and for serving me in this special way that only a horse can do. Thank you for allowing your free spirit to be harnessed by humans so I can have the pleasure of your company. I appreciate all the efforts you make to take care of me when I drive or ride you. Thank you for letting me know when something frightens you or when you don't want to be schooled or ridden or participate in a competition. Thank you for always doing the very best you can even when I wish you could do better. I am so grateful to you for being with me. Your presence fills my heart with joy and love even when all I can do is groom you and look at you with adoration. I love so much to see you run with your mane and tail flying and the joy on your face when you buck and spin and express your freedom. Your sense of humor doesn't always match mine. Still, I love that you have the ability to laugh and to make me laugh. Thank you so much for being in my life, for all that you teach me, and for putting up with inexpert riding skills. Riding you makes me feel united with the universe, and for that I can never thank you enough. AN INVITATION: There are so many different species who live with humans these days.

Love Begins With Pets and Insurance

Health is wealth The current health of your cat or dog often determines his or her overall health in the long run. The sooner you ascertain the health of your pet, the easier it will be for you to predict what your pet might face in the future, health wise. Declining health maybe of natural causes or accidents. Whatever the cause, you should be prepared beforehand just in case the unthinkable happens. A tiny droplet does amount to something Over time your pet becomes an integral part of the family that goes without saying and sometimes your best friend as well; money stowed away now will come in handy for their future. You just pay a premium amounting to a few notes out of your pocket each month which will benefit you and your pet in the long run. So, the next time you see the long bill and it is almost always a long one, you won't be left floundering. Costs for pet healthcare are on the rise Technology is becoming better as time lapses, which is why healthcare services for your four pawed companion is becoming expensive. Besides this, some machines often require specially trained staff to operate them and it is you the pet owner who bears the brunt of this additional cost. So, it is always wise to apply for insurance beforehand. How insurance helps you and your pet The expenses incurred for obtaining healthcare expenses at one go can be a source of anxiety for some; you might not have money in hand right at that moment. In some cases insurance might be mandatory if the breed you own is the fragile kind; your vet might recommend one for your pet, if he doesn't you can always discuss it with him. Tackling emergencies made easier Times of crisis seldom come knocking. It's better to opt for insurance at the earliest so you are saved that frustrating moment of nail biting when the digits on the bill stare coldly at your face. What should you do? Consider doing some researching on your own to make sure you've got the right insurance plan for your cat or dog, else your pet's vet is a good advisor. Also, everything ought to be clearly spelled out by the insurance provider; from what the insurance covers and the limitations of the insurance. In that manner you will be spared any last minute surprises when you are need.